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Steven + Sharon // Cathedral Rock Engagement

With the hustle and bustle of my everyday life...I don't often get to go on vacation to someplace Epic like Sedona, AZ. (I used to... but now I live here haha) But seriously, If I did... I would most certianly want to make the most of time while I was there.

Truth be told, the vast majority of my clients don't live here...but are passing through. Vacationing, perhaps eloping or married here and most certainly looking for an adventure. Weeeelllll what if I told you that I could not only give you and awesome gallery that reflects the beauty that is Sedona... but also an EPIC sedona experience in the process?

Cathedral rock is one of our post popular tourist destinations and is a favorite amongst the locals as well. It is not a far hike from the trail head (off back 0 beyond rd) to the "end" at the top between the cathedral spires...the distance is a modest three mile round trip. But the elevation change sure to be a butt kicker. Id rate this adventure 10/10 for epic views with minimal hoops to jump trough to get theres... a little huff and puff to hump up this hill is 100% worth it.

Steven and Sharon decided to vacation in Sedona where he proposed to her only a few days prior to their adventure shoot.

Cathedral rock engagement
Sedona Wedding Photographer
Cathedral Rock
Sedona Engagement
Cathedral Rock Engagement
Cathedral Rock Engagement
Sedona engagement
Cathedral Rock
Cathedral Rock
Cathedral Rock
Sedona Engagement
Sedona Engagement
Sedona Engagement
Sedona hikes
best photo locations sedona
Cathedral rock engagement
sedona engagement

If you are interested in booking your next sedona adventure with me please make sure to fill out the contact form on the website and I will get you started!

I hope to meet you soon!

Big hugs!



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