Months ago this desert flower was pregnant with her fourth baby can you believe how gorgeous this mama is?!! She contacted me and my stylist Lindsay Mikhel to do a maternity shoot but her little bean was flight risk (haha) so we rescheduled this adventure session with her and hubs instead.

Kelsey is a talented photographer for Whispering Daisy Photography here in the verde valley area... and such a gem to work with!

These two have been married for 8 years...their love is absolutely beaming!

whats the saying... couples who play together stay together...

We hiked to the top of cathedral Rock in Sedona... it was windy but we put it to work... these photos are just gorgeous of them.

whoopsie!! hahaha

ahhh these two <3

Thank you so much Kelsey and Joseph for joining me on another cathedral rock adventure!!! Happy Anniversary and congrats on the new baby!!
Big Hugs,